
Book of Revelation
Chapter 13, Verse 15-18 in the New Testament:
15: And he (The Anti-Christ) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
My Dear Ones,
I get questions from some of you regarding “THE MARK OF THE BEAST” and what it is (or might be).
I have very strong opinions about this “Mark” as anyone who values individual privacy and freedom should and even if one has no specific religious belief in such a thing.
Although I do not enforce my opinions on the issue of this prophesied “system of numbering and tracking world citizens” I am of the belief that the “Mark of the Beast” has actually been with us for quite some time in the form (at least in the USA) of the…
Because of my faith that the SS# is the second incarnation of this mark.
The First being the numeric system designed by IBM to number Hebrews, homosexuals and people deemed as subversives in NAZI Germany..
..Interesting that “Social Security” can be abbreviated as S.S. and it was also the very same two letters used in NAZI Germany for Hitler‘s elite forces…SS is short for Schutzstaffel, which is German for “protective shield”)
I personally avoid use of my own SS# and have now done so for the past 4 years.
I have even considered beginning a National Protest (SS CARD burning) but decided it might be taken as a subversive and violent act …and so.. at least for now.. I have disregarded this idea to retain my freedom for the purpose I serve here.
Not using a Social Security Card/Number immediately causes some difficulties only one who does not use it could possibly understand.
The SS number is demanded to apply for a drivers license, for a loan or home purchase, To obtain medical care, To apply for Insurance, To file for taxation, To obtain employment, To gain public assistance, To open a bank account, etc…etc… The only time I use it is in cases of life threatening situations and even then feel horrible doing so.
Some have argued that it does not qualify because it is to be “implanted” on the forehead and hand.. But allow me to suggest that the Social Security Card/Number DOES comply here when we look at it “symbolically”.
Realize the BOOK OF REVELATION.. Which is where this teaching comes from… is written almost entirely symbolically and therefore any attempt to “literalize” it according to opinion and dogma may be popular and still be wrong. I have before mentioned that John, who wrote the Revelation, clearly reveals by the symbols used that he was a “Kabbalist/Cabalist” .
Thus most of the western attempts to Interpret this mystical text are completely mistranslated due to the use of “westernized coding” being used instead of “Eastern Kabbalist/Cabalist Symbols”.
Thinking in terms of the “Mark” being a “Symbol”, rather than a literal/physical mark should not be all that hard to understand since there is also a mention of a “Mark” being given by God to be placed on HIS PEOPLE and most theologies at least teach that this “God given mark” is figurative in nature.
So how then does the Social Security Card/Number qualify as the Beast’s Mark of Revelation?
Well, lets do a little experiment…
Take your card out and hold it in your right hand..
(Come on… play along and actually do it.).
I’ll wait…..
… O.K… Got it?..
Now turn it over so you can’t see the number and (by memory only) say the number out loud.
Now, you have a physical card IN YOUR RIGHT HAND..
AND you just showed that you have this number in your Memory…
your mind…
Since it’s hard to have money, a job, a car, etc. without this card/number (OF A MAN) it certainly does qualify as being close…
… IF NOT “ON THE MARK (Pardon the Pun) ITSELF”.
Now this still has not reached PHASE 3 yet.. but the next phase is already legally enacted and mandated to begin all too soon…
Here is some information from a web-site devoted to promoting the idea of protesting this new act and If this takes effect prior to “Going Unto Zion” I personally shall file as a “religious objector” and flatly refuse to comply to this new system. I realize that do so might deem me to be a “criminal” yet for my faith I have committed to YHWH/God that I shall “strongly and peaceably protest” and willingly suffer anything and everything that non-compliance to this act might bring …
All U.S. citizens to receive National ID card by 2008
The Real ID Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Bush on May 11, 2005, mandates that all U.S. citizens will receive a National ID card by May of 2008.
Without this National ID, you won't...
Drive your car
Board a plane, train, or bus
Enter any federal building
Open a bank account
Hold a job
If you can’t hold a job or have a bank account, how much buying and selling will you be able to do?
Is the coming National ID the prophesied "mark of the beast"?
There is a prophecy in the Bible that foretells a time when every person will be required to have a mark or a number, without which he or she will not be able to participate in the economy.
The prophecy is 2,000 years old, but it has been impossible for it to come to pass until now. With the invention of the computer and the Internet, this prophecy of buying and selling, using a number, can now be implemented at any time. Has the time for the fulfillment of this prophecy arrived?
LINK: http://www.nonationalid.com/
Here is an article from LAST Thursday’s Post Dispatch/Jefferson city regarding the theory that the “REAL ID ACT” may be a form of the “MARK OF THE BEAST”:
Is 'mark of the beast' in Real ID Act?
Derek Kravitz
Thursday, Mar. 22 2007
JEFFERSON CITY — A dire, apocalyptic prophecy in the Bible's Book of Revelation
is getting a new audience: state legislators.
Several evangelical Christian groups say the federal Real ID Act, which will
standardize state drivers licenses and link them to corresponding national ID
numbers by 2009, represents the "mark of the beast," the devilish number 666
that is attached to the godless.
The nearly 2,000-year-old passage is referenced along with the prophetic
locusts, plagues, oceans of blood and rivers of fire found in the Bible. Soon
after, according to scripture, the antichrist takes control of the world and
Jesus Christ returns.
In short, new national ID numbers could spell the beginning of the end, some
Christians believe.
"This is getting treacherously close to prophecy in the scripture," said Irvin
Baxter Jr., founder and president of Endtime Ministries in Dallas.
And some Missouri legislators are listening.
Some Christians interpret verses from the book of Revelation that say humans
will be "marked … so that no one can buy or sell who does not have that mark"
as a prophecy of a global numerical control system to be used by the beast, or
antichrist. The number would be used during the Great Tribulation, which some
Christians believe will precede the second coming of Jesus.
Most religious scholars agree that this beast in Revelation is a metaphor for
the Roman emperor Nero who persecuted Christians and Jews in horrific ways that
were likely to be remembered only a couple of generations later when Revelation
was written.
But some evangelical Christians take the "mark" of Revelation more literally,
and believe that a number-based identification system in the U.S. will
eventually spread throughout the world, only to be used by a global dictator
(the antichrist) who will control international trade with the numbers issued
under the Real ID program.
Their concern, according to Craig Treadwell, Baxter's national radio talk show
co-host, is that anyone marked in such a way during the Great Tribulation "will
be lost for eternity," and won't be raised to heaven after the second coming.
State Rep. Jim Guest, a frequent participant on Baxter's radio show, is
sponsoring a bill that would exempt the state from complying with the federal
The Missouri House overwhelmingly approved Guest's bill last Thursday, 146-4.
It has moved to the Senate for consideration.
Guest, a Republican from King City in northeastern Missouri, said his main
reservation with the program was its potential for "Big Brother-like" abuses.
"We could be tracked by machines everywhere we go," said Guest, referring to
provisions that require "machine-readable" technology in the ID cards. "This
could signal the death of individual freedoms and rights."
But Guest, who has recruited legislators from 35 other states to introduce
legislation opting out of the Real ID Act, said he has received hundreds of
phone calls, e-mails and letters from constituents who are more fearful about
Biblical prophecies coming true if the program goes unchecked.
"Some people are genuinely worried about it," said Guest, who called himself a
practicing Methodist. "These are people who believe that a national ID number
symbolizes something religiously evil."
Baxter's Endtime Ministries has distributed thousands of copies of its monthly
magazine and brochures to legislators in an attempt to "explain the prophecies
of the Bible in light of current events."
The federal program was enacted after government officials learned that most of
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists had obtained fake drivers licenses. The law sets
state licensing rules, essentially making it harder to obtain a card
The Department of Homeland Security says the cards would help boost national
security by requiring their use to board airplanes and enter federal buildings.
"This is a known vulnerability. It was recommended by a bipartisan 9/11
commission and mandated by Congress. Shame on us if we don't heed the lessons
of Sept. 11," said department spokesman Russ Knocke.
But some states have balked at the law, which they say lacks adequate funding
and clear language for compliance.
Legislators in Arkansas and Georgia have offered resolutions to strike it down,
and Maine recently passed a nonbinding resolution refusing to go along with the
federal program.
But regarding Real ID, Biblical scripture is getting misconstrued, said Frank
A. Flinn, an adjunct professor of religious studies at Washington University.
The Book of Revelation is so full of symbolism that nearly anything can be read
from it, Flinn said. At one time or another, Jewish bankers, President John F.
Kennedy, communists, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein have all been said to
bear the "mark," Flinn said.
Still, sinners and nonsinners alike are lining up to take a swipe at the new
federal driver's license program.
Amish, Mennonite and some Muslim groups are objecting to mandates that require
their photo to be taken. And some domestic violence groups oppose the use of
addresses on the cards, for fear that abusive spouses might compromise the
Tim Townsend of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.
dkravitz@post-dispatch.com | 573-635-6178
You, of course may disagree that this has anything to do with the prophetic mark. Disagreement, however, will not change prophecy unless one is willing to take action to dissuade implementation of this system of turning each person into a number to be overseen and tracked by whoever happens to gain the authority to do so,
For those who would like more insight regarding the belief that the 2nd Stage of the Mark is the SS System please feel free to check out the following website:
Including this thesis here does not imply that I agree with all aspects of the information presented by it’s author but it does provide some thought-provoking information worthy of your consideration.
It also includes methods to avoid using the SS# and still hold a job and survive. Realize that those who use it’s methodology may pay a hefty price for doing so and so please do not attempt to discontinue use of your SS# unless you absolutely understand the ramifications of doing so and are fully compelled and willing to suffer them.
IT IS NOT EZ …and for some who live on Social Security the cost of “refusal” may be too high for them to bare. Those who do would be forced into hardship and poverty and would have to find alternative income sources… Therefore nothing presented here is intended to make one feel compelled to do anything but consider what is happening and seek the will of GOD!