Saturday, August 23, 2008

KING JESUS VIDEO (just released)

I have a friend I somehow keep running into again and again.. sometimes time will pass but eventually I wind up collaborating on something together. He and I come from two different races..two different cultural identities.. yet we share that common bond called LOVE!

King Jesus the Rapper (AKA "Funk") contacted me yesterday on YouTube and asked if I could make a video of his song "New Orleans The Scene" which I did immediately and without hesitation.

You see, KJ (funk) has been in my prayers for some time since he himself lost his father in the New Orleans flood caused by Katrina.

Even though the "vibe" of the song might be called "Jazz Fusion Funk" and has an upbeat message I felt that it served well as a background for the devastation and because indeed "New Orleans" was quite literally "THE SCENE" of great loss I also hope that it captures the hope felt by those now rebuilding.

With over 800% increase in Natural Disasters let us all count our blessings when we are spared and honor the hope of those taken! Amen!

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