Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Most Churches have adopted a doctrinal belief in what is called the “TRINITY“.
It may surprise some that the word “Trinity” is at no time actually seen anywhere in the Bible.
I have personally done a word search at Bible Gateway in each version of the Bible available at that site and it continues to show “No Results“.. Yet this belief seems to be so ingrained within the doctrines of most Christian Churches that no one dare question it.
I shall not suggest that God is not a multi-dimensional being… In my way of believing He is an “UNLIMITED-DIMENTIONAL” BEING .. Thus to contain God into only THREE parts is to LIMIT an UNLIMITED GOD.
It is my contention that since God is beyond limits that to affirm a belief that He is only manifest in three parts places God into a box and tries to weigh and measure Him in accordance with that rather than realizing that there is NO BOX THAT COULD EVER CONTAIN ALL THAT IS GOD… Thus I cannot ascribe to a dogma that limits God no matter how popular it might be.
So we can speak intelligently on this difference I have with this commonly accepted doctrine let us first examine the definition of the Trinity (from Wikipedia):
TRINITY (Source Wikipedia)
Central[1][2] to Christianity, Trinity is the doctrine that God is one being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a mutual indwelling of three persons (not to be confused by "person"): the Father, the Son (incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth), and the Holy Spirit. Since the 4th century, in both Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity, this doctrine has been stated as "three persons in one God," all three of whom, as distinct and co-eternal persons, are of one indivisible Divine essence, a simple being. The doctrine also teaches that the Son Himself has two distinct natures, one fully divine and the other fully human, united in a hypostatic union. Supporting the doctrine of the Trinity is known as Trinitarianism. Most divisions of Christianity are Trinitarian, and regard belief in the Trinity as a test of Christian orthodoxy.
Opposing nontrinitarian positions held by some groups include Binitarianism (two deities/persons/aspects), Unitarianism (one deity/person/aspect), the Godhead (Latter Day Saints) (three separate beings, one in purpose) and Modalism (Oneness).
Historically, the post-New Testament[1] doctrine of Trinitarianism is of particular importance. The conflict with Arianism, as well as other competing theological concepts during the fourth century, became the first major doctrinal confrontation in Church history. It had a particularly lasting effect within the Western Roman Empire where the Germanic Arians and Nicene Christians formed a segregated social order.
The verses of the Bible that would appear to support the “Trinity Theory” are quite scant… In fact, I can locate only one single verse which would seem to strongly support it (at first glance) and another which would seem to support a portion of it.. Yet if we examine even these in greater detail and in their original language perhaps we can get a better handle on their real meaning.
1 John 5:7 (KJV)
For there are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one.
John 10:30 (KJV)
I and my Father are one.
The Original texts of these verses were written in Greek and in translation we often see that a word we think we understand fully actually had a different usage or subtle variance in meaning from one language to another.
Many people are unaware that John was a student of Cabalistic thought and much of his writing comes at things from that angle. Cabalism does not rely on literalism (the most common mistake made by those who never study beyond their own understandings) and so one cannot read anything written by John and assess it properly only through Western (Roman) thought processes.
Most of the doctrinal errors that divide churches are because of the fact that people use their westernized mind to try and understand when really we should be trying to comprehend from the perspective of the author and his (or her) mental positioning.
In the First Verse above (1 John 5:7) there is (to the Western based mind) definitive statements are being made (“there are three”.. “these three are one“) and so we block it in and wrap it up and it’s a done deal… but does this verse REALLY mean to say that there are ONLY THREE or does it qualify what is meant by ONE.
First when it reads “There are three who bear record in heaven” I see nothing to suggest that this is intended to limit God only to these THREE…in fact even a western mind should clearly see that these are but the three “Record Bearers” and is not suggesting that these are the only parts of God in extent.. They are only the parts of God which are in agreement regarding the “record”.
As for the use of “One” in both the first and second verses above the actually original word used is “heis (gr)” and this actually means something different than being “THE SAME EXACT THING” as the western mind wishes to perceive it.
Heis is used of unity in Gal 3:28, "for you are all one in Christ Jesus." In the latter passage, the word one is in grammatical agreement with the word "all," but this does show that heis can also be used for “union”.
Just as when people are married they are considered “ONE” (heis) and yet remain distinct individuals .. So too must we allow the word “One” herein to have it’s proper use meaning “UNION” (or more simply “In conjunction with each other”).
The biggest problem with the traditional “Trinitarian” concept of God is that it attempts to make God less than He is through limiting His deity to ONLY THREE PARTS and we do this because we ourselves are limited to a 3-D world (Thus, we have a tendency to compartmentalize things into groups of only three) But again… GOD IS AN UNLIMITY and any being who could be divided and limited to only a single set of Three certainly could NOT be God.
The following verses allude to an Equality between The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and were given as support of the previous two verses in a short thesis on the subject posted in a friends blog .. Yet again I really see no evidence to support that God is limited only to “Three persons” in any of these (in fact, in the second verse used above the Holy Spirit seems absent from the “equality status” and if it stood alone would seem to be more in support of a “two part” rather than “three-part” unity).
Deu 6:4 (KJV)
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Gen 3:22a (KJV)
And the LORD God said,
Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:
Heb 1:1-3 (KJV)
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
{2} Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,
whom he hath appointed heir of all things,
by whom also he made the worlds;
{3} Who being the brightness of his glory,
and the express image of his person,
and upholding all things by the word of his power,
when he had by himself purged our sins,
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
1 Cor 8:6 (KJV)
But to us there is but one God, the Father,
>are all things, and we in him;
and one Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom are all things, and we by him.
John 5:17-23 (KJV)
But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
{18} Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him,
because he not only had broken the sabbath,
but said also that God was his Father,
making himself equal with God.
{19} Then answered Jesus and said unto them,
Verily, verily, I say unto you,
The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do:
for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
{20} For the Father loveth the Son,
and showeth him all things that himself doeth:
and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
{21} For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them;
even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.
{22} For the Father judgeth no man,
but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
{23} That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father.
He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
John 14:23-26 (KJV)
Jesus answered and said unto him,
If a man love me, he will keep my words:
and my Father will love him,
and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
{24} He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings:
and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
{25} These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
{26} But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 14:9-21 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you,
and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?
he that hath seen me hath seen the Father;
and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
{10} Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?
the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself:
but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
{11} Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me:
or else believe me for the very works' sake.
{12} Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
{13} And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name,
that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
{14} If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
15} If ye love me, keep my commandments.
{16} And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with you for ever;
{17} Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,
because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him:
but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
{18} I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
{19} Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more;
but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
{20} At that day ye shall know
that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
{21} He that hath my commandments,
and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me:
and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father,
and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
So, is GOD (The ALL-BEING) to be limited by the number THREE???
Humanity may be limited by numbers but by my way of thinking God is greater that the highest of numbers that can be comprehended in the minds of men.
Father, Son and Spirit is/are indeed part of the ONE GOD but I can find nothing that would suggest that these three are the ONLY parts which make up the INFINATE GOD IN WHICH I BELIEVE,, MY GOD IS AN “UNLIMI-ty”!
alternative theology,
catholic church,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Should Anyone Exclude "Sinners" as Friends?

In reading through some popular religious "myspace" Blogs I came across the following entry (all names have been excluded to avoid embarrassment and all spelling and grammar remains as printed):
Monday, November 27
Should our friends list please our Father?
Current mood: confused
Category: Religion and Philosophy
I get alot of request on a daily basis.I don't want to ome off as up-tight,but I have to deny alot of people because their pages and friends list don't reflect my Father.I mean nudity and profanity come on.I don't know if it's just me but my pastor is on my friends list and I would be embarrassed if he saw that kind of stuff on the pages of some of the people wanting to be my friends.Don't get me wrong,I wasn't always saved so I'm not looking down on anyone.Let me know if I'm taking this too serious.
10:20 AM
Then somebody decided to post a few responses of what their friends apparently send out to deny people friendship when the requesters do not come up to their standards:
When I get a request I open up their profile in a seperate window first and I ask God to speak to me and tell me whether or not I should add that person. I believe the best of everybody. If it is a page that encourges fornication drugs and any other form of sin that people are facing day to day and need to be delivered from unless the Lord tells me so they are denyed. (not because of where they are in life ,but because of where I am)
I completely agree with you and have felt like I was being up-tight as you put it, but I came to the same conclusions, claiming the name of Christ you have to be careful since the bible does say we should avoid even the "appearence of evil" and those who are not christians, like it or not will judge those of us who are by the "friends" we have on our lists. Nicole I do not think you are taking it too seriously.
Pardon me... but this is NOT how Jesus would do things…
…It sounds very little like Christ and more like a bunch of pious and self-righteous people who cannot handle the idea of actually being a witness and must have only “friends” who agree with them in order to be friends.
I would have maybe a dozen friends if I used such measures as those suggested. I doubt I would make the cut if I requested the friendship of these above Myspacers.
I assure you this methodology does NOT comply at all to what Jesus would do…
…How do I know?
Well for one thing Jesus was chastised because he choose to hang with the very people these folks are avoiding.. It’s in scripture and it was one of the things the priests (and even some of Jesus own disciples) had contention with .
For the record I DENY NO ONE and will ONLY block those who are persistently abusive. So far I have blocked only 5 individuals and I gave them all ample opportunity to simply agree to disagree, agreeably…Some people simply cannot get along no matter how hard one tries. Some people MUST be RIGHT even if they are WRONG. It takes a great deal of obnoxiousness to get cut from my list I assure you.
In the Bible we read the following:
Matt 9:9-13 (NIV) As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. 10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” came and ate with him and his disciples.11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and ’sinners’?” 12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Do I really need to say more? Do I need to defend myself concerning why I don’t even bother to carefully review each profile and scutinize it? Should I be worried that people look at my profile and see “sinners” on my friends list? Should I worry about “LOOKING LIKE a good spiritual man” or “BEING a good spiritual man“?
I choose not to be such a judge.
I value ALL people and I should rather befriend an honest sinner than a self-righteous hypocrite. I can help over time to bring love and healing to the first group but the second refuses to acknowledge their illness.
Those who JUDGE shall surely be judged according to how they judge and those who want to “be Christ-like” do not judge as the world judges but rather they welcome freely the sinner.. Saying “COME ONE.. COME ALL and SEEK TOGETHER WHAT IS RIGHT AND TRUE AND GOOD. LET US SEEK GOD FOR HE CARES AND LOVES ALL MEN.. AND ALL MEN ARE SINNERS IN NEED OF GOD AND IF HE CAN LOVE THEM THEN SO CAN I!”
If anyone should want to be my friend I accept them for then I can minister to them but if I reject them then have I not pushed them further away from the LOVE OF GOD? Have I not denied them access to truth? Have I not abandoned them and taken any opportunity from them that it might be me who can help them through my witness. Have I not sinned against them grievously in doing this?
My answer to the original “Blogster” is this: “No, you are not taking this seriously ENOUGH. WWJD? He would take in all people and by way of BEING LOVE (not bible-thumping*) show them the way to God gently by, over whatever time it takes, continually being a beacon of light and a herald of wisdom.”
* Note: Historic Jesus would often quote scripture with the words “it is written” but never do you see him holding a scroll or book in front of a “sinner” and tapping it with his finger in accusation. In fact, the only time you see Jesus using a scroll (book) in any way is when he is in the Temple ministering to the “hypocrite priests”.
Again, the only thing I Judge are “the Pious Judges” and those who “live outside of Love“.
I call them the “Hypocrites” and I pray that they will learn how to walk the walk they can talk so well. Yes, even them do I love… but they are those whom will say “Lord, Lord.. Did we not do all sorts of great things in your Name?” yet they shall not see a reward for they may have done great works but they denied the power of “Love” which is the true cause of He who they claimed to serve.
I shall continue to take in the “tired, poor and hungry” and those who don’t?.. well, they are free to do as they will for in the end all shall give account to GOD.
internet relationships,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
BE CHANGE.. With is an organization committed to making a difference by advocating freedom and justice. The concept is to create a unified organization of concerned activists who desire the U.S. to uphold the principals of the Constitution and Bill of Rights essential to freedom. is taking on many important issues and below I have included some videos regarding those issues. Please take the time to watch and then if you need more information please visit
2) HR1955 / S1959
H.R. 1955: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
For those who haven\'t seen it, here is a snippet from the Bill, which is actually legislation that is set to amend Title VIII of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 361 et seq.). So, part of the Bill amends the Act by including... (note subsection (3) in we should all be wary of this now being the first (or, rather, next big) step in necking down Internet freedom)
`The Congress finds the following:
`(1) The development and implementation of methods and processes that can be utilized to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in the United States is critical to combating domestic terrorism.
`(2) The promotion of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence exists in the United States and poses a threat to homeland security.
`(3) The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens.
`(4) While the United States must continue its vigilant efforts to combat international terrorism, it must also strengthen efforts to combat the threat posed by homegrown terrorists based and operating within the United States.
`(5) Understanding the motivational factors that lead to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence is a vital step toward eradicating these threats in the United States.
`(6) The potential rise of self radicalized, unaffiliated terrorists domestically cannot be easily prevented through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts, and requires the incorporation of State and local solutions.
`(7) Individuals prone to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence span all races, ethnicities, and religious beliefs, and individuals should not be targeted based solely on race, ethnicity, or religion.
`(8) Any measure taken to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism in the United States should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights and civil liberties of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents.
`(9) Certain governments, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have significant experience with homegrown terrorism and the United States can benefit from lessons learned by those nations.
JoZ is taking on many important issues and below I have included some videos regarding those issues. Please take the time to watch and then if you need more information please visit
2) HR1955 / S1959
H.R. 1955: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
For those who haven\'t seen it, here is a snippet from the Bill, which is actually legislation that is set to amend Title VIII of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 361 et seq.). So, part of the Bill amends the Act by including... (note subsection (3) in we should all be wary of this now being the first (or, rather, next big) step in necking down Internet freedom)
`The Congress finds the following:
`(1) The development and implementation of methods and processes that can be utilized to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in the United States is critical to combating domestic terrorism.
`(2) The promotion of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence exists in the United States and poses a threat to homeland security.
`(3) The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens.
`(4) While the United States must continue its vigilant efforts to combat international terrorism, it must also strengthen efforts to combat the threat posed by homegrown terrorists based and operating within the United States.
`(5) Understanding the motivational factors that lead to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence is a vital step toward eradicating these threats in the United States.
`(6) The potential rise of self radicalized, unaffiliated terrorists domestically cannot be easily prevented through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts, and requires the incorporation of State and local solutions.
`(7) Individuals prone to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence span all races, ethnicities, and religious beliefs, and individuals should not be targeted based solely on race, ethnicity, or religion.
`(8) Any measure taken to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism in the United States should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights and civil liberties of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents.
`(9) Certain governments, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have significant experience with homegrown terrorism and the United States can benefit from lessons learned by those nations.
1st Amendment,
Homeland Security,
HR 1955,
Scott Loper,
Scott Loper story,
Friday, October 24, 2008
CHEMTRAILS: The "CON" of the new "Con"trails.


Look UP !!!!!

huh ????


UM ??????

What is going on ???????

Chess anyone??
So .....what is going on here?????
The documentary featured in today's blog (below) is produced by chem trail researcher Clifford Carnicom and is a must see and excellent research tool for those interested in the subject.
Five plus years went into the making of this video which provides ample evidence that the phenomenon known as "CHEMTRAILS" is not mere fantasy nor can it be easily written off as anything "normal".
CONtrails ("Condensation" trails) are ice crystals formed by water vapor from jet aircraft and last no longer than a few minutes before they dissipate and vanish.
CHEMtrails ("Chemical" trails), on the other hand, linger for a much longer period of time and form a haze and/or overcast that some call "fake clouds".
Although it is becoming increasingly more obvious that something odd is happening (at least to we who have been around and aware long enough to notice) as yet no agency, nation or government has come forward to explain this mystery.
Aerosol Crimes - 1st Edition
Please feel free to do your own research and come to your own concions and if you have as yet not noticed what is going on outside over your head... keep looking up.. In many areas of the world this is witnessed almost daily.
Just in the last 30 days here in the Portland, Oregon area I have seen at least 6+ major "incidents of heavy Chemtrail spraying" (one being so heavy the sky turned a yellow haze so thick that the moon seemed red and the horizon a smokey yellow.
GOOGLE "Chemtrails"
Thursday, October 23, 2008
BE CHANGE..Together!!!

It seems lately that tensions, pressures and fears being fed us by all sides are actually causing many to feel depressed, doubtful, frustrated and worst of all DIVIDED!
In today’s world sometimes it seems more reasonable to hoard and divide AWAY from others ... preparing for some fearful "survival of the fittest" scenario...
...but realize that in such a time of potential terror there are STILL a fair number of hidden decent, kind, meek loving people who find strength in each other and in sharing whatever is available and being supportive of the whole and willing to sacrifice that all can survive in equity. And not alone.
Right now I feel it is vitally important not to bicker over small and petty issues (such as "Did Adam have a belly button?" or "Can you Prove God with Science?" )...
We no longer have such luxuries to debate divisive issues or unprovable ideologies of little substance when one is simply told to comply or die by some uncaring oppressor with a NAZI like attitude to life..
We must ACT NOW TOGETHER AS ONE or lose not only our country (USA)... but our Freedom.
No matter what your race, religion, lack of religion, sexual identity, or whatever divides..
...and that is...
UNFEELING SYSTEMS OF GLOBAL "CONTROL, BONDAGE AND MANIPULATION OF MEN..BY MEN and intended to bring together ALL nations of the world into one big glorious "big brother" "global village" planet that would be great if it was run by people who really cared about the needs of all people and had a heart of Love.
No, I am afraid this new idea would claim to be coming in LOVE but it would not be the type of which i have long spoken.. No this LOVE is of Money, power and Selfish domination only.. Think of it as 13 Families playing the game of "Risk" and the rest of us are just those small individual colored blocks.
These New World Order dictators will speak of great things and new freedom. But "new freedom" will mean "slavery to global govt." in a mechanized society where only the productive shall live.
None shall truly be allowed to think for themselves unless their thoughts are preapproved and subject to globally adopted goals and ideals.
This BEAST has no real friends, nor conscience and hates anyone who is poor, needy and not in synch with it's own so called "free thinking".. in this "new-speak" idea of "freedom" if one thinks outside the box it is likely they will be living in one.. and this would include not only Christians but any other thought process which does not comply with the needs of "La Machina".
This Globalist Beast only wishes to digest both saint and heathen for it would sell weapons to either side and care not who wins or loses... just so it can profit from the death and loss (and any losses only decrease the surplus population which are worthless beggars anyway)."
Such a scenario might seem far-fetched fantasy or Orwellian Science fiction.. but indeed enough evidence suggests there are people who actually do see things so entirely pragmatically and machinated that death becomes only another means to an end and depopulation of humans no more disconcerting than "deer season" to the average hunter. (Google the Georgia Guidestones and see how many people they intend to let live).
"Robots for the rich and death to the poor?????"
I submit Gandhi as being an excellent example of how to conduct an effective peaceful protest of any injustice as he too was a "Warrior of Love & Justice"
My hope would be that (if possible) we can all retain a Free, Safe, Peaceful, Kind and Equal USA which provides maximum opportunity to any who wish to achieve (and take responsibility required to do so).
In bringing about GOOD CHANGES we would all need to willingly manifest maximum compassion and assistance for those physically, Mentally or Spiritually sick, widowed, orphaned, challenged, etc...
...Evil cares not for these people but good sees them as VERY important.. because what we do to the least of these people shows the value we place on ourselves, our society, our beliefs and on LIFE ITSELF.
My hope is that if we could manifest enough love to change the prophecies then we could gain back our country through real innovation and positive industry that focuses on a new national ideal (that prides itself again in Individual rights and freedoms and maintaining easy and rational laws designed only to support truth and justice which is fair and equally given to all humanity irregardless of status or wealth).
I would pray that those who hoard massive wealth could realize that no amount of money will ever truly quench greed and ultimate satisfaction comes not by endless acquiring of physical self-gratification (and false glory). These things do not last thus I pray that those who feel greater than others might realize the innate oneness of all people ..seeing none as either above. Nor below ones own status.
I wish to see ALL people willing to serve (without threat or force) all humanity as equals with committed zeal, a desire for wisdom and with unbridled enthusiasm that asks "What can i do to help?"
Let us remember the words of J.F. Kennedy who said "Ask not what your country can do for you.. but what you can do for your country!" Let me extend Country to mean "all people created by God.. and that's everyone!"
ALL PEOPLE ARE VALUABLE AND WORTHY OF LOVE & SUCCESS... But you cannot view any as being more or less valuable than yourself and you must equally give out love...tested and proven through the "fires of compassion" and exhibited by "consistent evidence of mercy".
Fires of compassion can reveal all evils and burn them completely.
Consistent evidence of mercy can provide the way to equitability and justice.
I would hope WE can "be the active change" the world needs and not expect anyone to make " (not so)fair and equitable changes" for us.
This will require some personal investment and sacrifice (it may even mean that the PATRIOTIC "atheist", "Wiccan", "Christian" "Muslim" "Jew" "Lesbian" "Gay" "Pro-Choice", "Pro-life" etc..etc..etc.. may have to put down their torches and pitchforks long enough see who the real enemy is and after we eliminate that we can then argue about theologies,philosophies,dogmas,doctrines, lifestyles or what have you.
I suggest you make "trust", "consideration" and "tolerant patience with differences", and your first sacrificial offering to God and/or to each other.
Begin by finding the LOVE that knows no words, names or differences..
and just LOVE LIKE THAT until this enemy is neutralized.
Then if you wish to play games again we can discuss if Moses parted a sea, Christ walked on water or which came first "The chicken or the Egg"..
...But first may i direct you attention to your planet and countries and ask yourself .. Is this what I desire this nation to be? If not?.. Give up all the petty differences ...Get together with others who desire FREEDOM, TRUTH, JUSTICE and LOVE and change this world to meet those objectives.. so in unity, tolerance and peace because none can make it as a maverick. We are all part of a bigger "body".. let's act the part we serve and not judge the other parts unless their errors might harm another person and then even to them give mercy (not revenge)... Show the offender what works by living true to what you believe and being an example... If they claim to be your leaders hold them to their words and promises.
Let's show evil who is boss by making seas part and helping people walk on water.. For now let us shut the mouth and open the heart to all who seek rightness and unity .
This doesn't mean WE won't make mistakes... Oh WE sure will and sometimes WE will make a mess of things.. But see.. If WE truly want success ..WE CAN HAVE IT.. BUT ONLY TO THE DEGREE OF FAITH WE HAVE (both in God and in US as a cohesive whole seeking that which is good).
As for me...
I am what I have always been and always shall be...
...I am Me ...
...and as Me I realize I contain a part of God and a part of each of YOU.
I claim to have a message and a purpose and i also claim that each of you likewise has a purpose and message all your own that once you find it and act upon it will heal you and the world and it will allow you to see who and what you really are.
But one caveat in the old self-discovery voyage...
Ah, Yes, THE "EGO"... That misunderstood center of the land of human "ID"...
It comes in two varieties actually:
SELFISH EGO (Unhealthy): "Sees the singular ME-SELF as the center of all things and demands that others serve the "ME-SELF" to the exclusion of all other "Self's"
HEALTHY EGO (Balance): "Knowledge that the self is an important part of the "WE-SELF" and realizes the Ego gets served automatically when the "WE-SELF's" get service from each other.
Sadly, If I did not have some Ego I would have likely never come on the internet and remained completely silent by reason of my meekness ... thus some healthy ego has a good purpose
People expect confidence and showmanship or they do not even give a few moments of time .. and so i must muster all i can to be a bit in the limelight simply to have a moment of voice in an ever more noisy world...If I appear as I am doing anything for selfish purposes I don't ever intend it that way I pray you all might understand that in my intent lies my true quilt or innocence.. I declare My INTENT is always of the desire for high standards and objectives based in truth, compassion, honesty, mercy and LOVE.
After much prayer I stand on all I have spoken and said... and Where i may have made misjudgments or errors I apologize and wish i were at times perfect.. However. I was not aware being "human" was to ever stop me from my purpose and calling and that calling is to do the will of He who sent me (who I call "Father" and who calls me "Son").
Now EACH OF YOU I ask that you PLEASE!!!
"BE" THE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't wait for others.. Just Do the job!
Don't ask others for proofs or miracles...
Prove yourself...
... Do what you are called to do not with just mere words... but with committed duty, active diligent effort, consistent delivery and allowing time and room for the changes to be made proactively rather than reactively.. And by "WE" THE "PEOPLE" and not "THEY" THE "WHOEVERTHEYARESES"
We cannot quit until we successfully complete the missions we were assigned and committed to ...because unless we do not attempt to fulfill these missions to the best of our ability.. then we shall never feel complete nor satisfied.
Here are a few final thoughts:
Don't point fingers at anyone (but yourself)..
........... Don't blame anyone (but yourself)
................Don't judge anyone (accept to yourself)
..........................Don’t harm anyone (including yourself)
If you wish to BE LOVED!........ BE LOVE first!
If you wish to BE TRUSTED................ Be TRUSTWORTHY first!
If you want to SEE SUCCESS YOURSELF............ Teach others to be Successful.
Be sure to always test your motivation?...
.............WHY you do what you do is more important than what you do.
Do I work for or God?
If self ALONE it is forever challenging... but pointless.. none can satisfy Self.
If Humanity ALONE... it can be somewhat gratifying..... but fruitless.. humans are rarely grateful.
If God ALONE... you can be satisfied spiritually but the solitude can bring loneliness in the physical world.
Each soul can only find maximum happiness when activated by serving others, which in turn serves God which in turn serves the self that serves others.. thus completing a circle or cycle.
Ah.. Circles and Cycles.. If we just remember that everything good and bad is happening in circles.. maybe then we can complete the ones that should be completed those things will ROLL forward and then learn to break the circles that should be broken so they cannot be repeated.
Anyway the bottom line as always is........
For without LOVE what use would be any of the rest of this existence and if God is LOVE then surely to BE LOVE is to be closer to God!.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

With Wars and rumors of wars going on ever more frequently we are seeing an influx of discussion regarding something that is growing as a larger and larger threat every day… The possibility of NUCLEAR WAR
My faith and visions and yes, even my logic (not to mention the current events unfolding in world news) seem to point to the fact that we are at a cross roads in which the actions of a few WILL ultimately effect all things living upon the planet. Sadly, all markers seem to point more and more to this effect being based in Nuclear Conflict leading toward potential geneside .
The following is a Blog I wrote in April of 2006 regarding my feelings on warfare
FROM Jesus of Zion’s Blog 4/10/06
In today’s world there are so many ways to believe. So many ideologies, religions, faiths and belief systems that it becomes a difficult puzzle indeed to select truth from error.
When God called me to take on the important work He made it quite clear that I would be up against many strong and powerful adversities. He said that today there are many who profess to speak truth and know God but their lives were filled with falsehood and dogmatic lies. God directed me to TITUS 1:15-16 which gives a good description regarding the current situation.
Reprobate Christianity is wide-spread and dogma has replaced truth. War has replaced peace.
People who say “God is love” speak it in vane because if you do mighty things for the Lord, but have not LOVE then your faith is mute… lacking in “fruit” (MATTHEW 7:15-20).
When you have not LOVE… you are in Hate.
Hatred always leads to the same result… WAR.
An Irish writer named Herbert Butler writes the following “Political Christianity is almost always also militarist Christianity and when statesman and ecclesiastics come to terms it always happens that, in return for certain privileges, the Church gives its blessing to the military forces of the state.”
A war pitted man against man cannot… I REPEAT, CANNOT…ever solve the struggle between Good and Evil. Such wars are an abomination to YHWH. Warmongers, no matter how religious, cannot be blessed and neither can their wars. Defense alone is the only reason to ever raise a weapon.
The only real battle cannot be fought on a physical battlefield anyway. YHWH’s only justifiable war is “spiritual in nature” and requires no guns or knives to fight it… Because its battlefield is actually IN YOU!
America is at war with terrorism. This sounds quite righteous, yet tell me this… who is a terrorist and where can we find them? Can any country fight something so vague? Why not declare a war on evil or maybe on anyone who does not profess truth?
By making a vague enemy any leader can declare any other religion or country as being subversive and declare war upon it… as Bush did when he used 9/11 (supposedly an event sponsored by an single Afghani faction) as a method of going after an unconnected nation (Iraq).
Do you not see the injustice of a nation that has shifted the news so as to make 9/11 somehow connected to a unrelated war?
America has talked a great deal about being a “free” nation, yet have they not instead used 9/11 to remove our freedoms and make each of us fearful of a hard to define enemy?
By creating paranoia, the population of the Daughter of Babylon have become fearful and are way too willing to give away God’s gift of FREEDOM for a false sense of SAFETY.
Tell me this, What is the goal of this WAR? When will we know if it has been won? What mission did Bush claim he accomplished? What exactly is this “New World Order” that both GWB and his Father profess to support?
People, God does not justify vague and unwinable wars… period!
Nor does God bless any nation that starts such a war… which is why America will soon see the results of its corporate greed and self-righteousness vividly demonstrated when man is allowed to bring great wrath to himself.
War is hate… no matter what your nation leads you to believe. They can call it a “Patriot Missile” or a “Freedom Atomic Bomb” but this is rhetoric and it’s still a destructive instrument by any name.
A famous book by a man named George Orwell is called “1984” and it speaks of a way to manipulate truth called “Doublespeak”. It speaks of a mythical “Big Brother” leader who changes words to imply righteousness where there is none. For example, the word “Freedom” has its meaning changed to mean “Slavery” so that its citizens become puppets while still maintaining a belief that they are “free(sic)”.
The Bible is clear regarding the only righteous war. It is not a war against flesh… but one against the “powers of darkness” who are not physical in nature.
Debate is fine… for it is written “come let us reason together”… but any nation or peoples that start a war is WRONG… 100%! I believe that anyone who seeks a physical war is in league not with My Father but with his enemy...Satan.
Is it not written, ”Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS for THEY shall be called SONS of GOD”?
What then shall we call the WARMONGERS?
Let it be stated here that I in no way advocate physical WAR (pitting one man against another) of any type and I can support no nation or peoples that use it as a tool (save for defense alone)… I am taught by My God to seek ONLY PEACE.
There is no righteous Jihad or Holy War save the War which God himself fights on our behalf against EVIL!
One last sad fact. In Rwanda in 1994 an attempted genocide took place. Former Anglican Desmond Tutu wrote the following regarding this atrocity; “Those who had turned against one another in this gory fashion espoused the same faith. Most were CHRISTIAN.”
If you call yourself a follower of Christ and advocate physical warfare then you know not my Father YHWH… For only the meek shall inherit the earth and they only make peace and live LOVE!
Jesus of Zion
Nuclear war,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Is There such a thing as "PERFECT LOVE"?

It is Written in 1 John 4:17-18
17 In this love has been made perfect among us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as he is, even so are we in this world.
#18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has punishment. He who fears is not made perfect in love.
Two things humans have a great deal of difficulty understanding are “Love“ and “Perfection“ so it is completely understandable that “Perfect Love“ would be beyond the scope of most peoples imagination .
All people want “Love” and indeed, all people would love to experience “Perfection” so to have both of these would be about as close to heaven on earth as one could possibly imagine and although one day I believe we will all bask in this ideal…for now it is not obtainable in its fullness.
But wait, you say, The Bible verses seem to suggest that we can have it NOW… CAN’T WE?
Well, I suppose we can have moments where we can feel “Perfect Love” but we must first realize that although “general love” can be manufactured within each of us that “Perfect Love” can only be generated at this time by God… In fact, “Perfect Love” is the substance of God… Therefore, in a way of speaking, “Perfect Love” is actually referring to God Himself.
Now Fear is a “lack of faith“. It is generated internally when we have doubt or concern and so let us examine how “Perfect Love eliminates Fear”.
I guess we could simply restate it as “God eliminates Lack of Faith” and that makes perfect sense… but it still does not help us to make it real because it is just a formula about as vague as the first one.
The components are there BUT it still fails to tell us how to mix it to get our desired results.
Since we will eliminate fear when we gain “Perfect Love” we need to find a way to gain this Love or we will continue to live in fear.
Many people will try to claim that they can be fearless and not have a “God” be a part of their lives yet really they have not eliminated fear but merely made a conscious decision to place their “Faith” in something else (which sort of masks the fear).
Some will place their faith in others (big mistake… I have found most who do this get hurt badly later). Some place their faith in fate (still they cross their fingers that fate will go their way). Some place their faith in themselves ( Admirable and although we must all do this to some degree I am quite sure that most cannot come up to their own standards because no human is perfect… if they were they would not die).
The point of course is that each person has a “god”.
Oh you might call it by your own name… call it “fate”, “ego” or “Bob” if you like but you still have chosen some form that you worship or honor as the center. This becomes the “god” you place your faith in but most have to do with “self” and “self” never seems to care much for real Love.
“Self” looks for gratification.
“Self” serves “Self”.
Since the only way to experience “Love” is to be a “giver” of love the “self god” will only take one so far… In fact, the high divorce rate only shows how “imperfect love” based on “selfishness” only fails ultimately.
People who seek the True GOD do so because they realize that the “self” can only take us so far and that unless “self” has designed an afterlife (which is improbable) we need someplace to go where we can find “hope” or the whole idea of life on earth would be rather meaningless ultimately.
Love, likewise, can have no real meaning unless we can gain “hope” and “faith” in something…Thus in seeking “Perfect Love” we are really seeking “The God Who IS LOVE”.
Since I believe the codex name applicable to this God is YHWH I put my Love, Hope and Faith in Him.
Once I have aligned myself to the God of Perfect Love I teach that I (as can you) have access to this God and that those with such access are given the Power to become conduits of this Love.
Since no human being who worships the “self” can truly experience “Unselfish Love/ Perfect Love” without having access to the God that produces it… many think they are doing the “LOVE thing” and yet are simply feeling an emotion that masquerades as love but is not “Perfect”… Thus we see all the failed friendships and relationships because false love GENERATES FEAR.
Imperfect love creates fears and ideas such as : “I am not lovable”, “People hate me”, “I have to be or do something to get the love I WANT”, “Love doesn’t exist”, “Love is a joke”, “Guys/Girls Suck”, “There is no hope”, “There is no faith”, “Nobody cares”, “Life feels empty” etc. etc..
When I take the Love of God and give it to you it is from GOD (not me.. The human) and I give it to you like water passing through a hose. I am not the source of this LOVE… I am just passing it on from the “Tap” (Which is the God who makes it). When I do this I do it by “FAITH”, realizing that whatever anyone thinks of it I am giving it freely from the “Tap” and thus if people want to judge me concerning it WHAT FEAR SHOULD I HAVE???
Of course, if it doesn’t actually come from me but from God (Perfection) I am not responsible for what people think of it. I just need to make sure I don’t pollute it with my own “selfishness” (Which is done if I falsely claim it came from me or take any credit for it).
Now those of you asking “What’s in it for me?” are so far from the point that you need to go back and reread this until you GET IT!
To generate “Perfect Love” means I ask, nor expect a thing for being God’s conduit.
I desire nothing and I am even aware that those “getting wet” may actually come against me… but because it is “Perfect Love” it is a bit like magic… As it passes through me it blesses me. It eliminates ALL FEAR. It feeds me, cleans me and satisfies me. In fact, no matter how it is received by the end-user I am completely fine and happy.
Occasionally another person begins to figure out how to tap into it and we play in the water together… but it seems to satisfy me greater when I can water the dry places and bring “Perfect Love” to the places where it is needed.
“Perfect Love” is a water that can catch on fire… FIRE WATER IF YOU WILL!
Wherever it is received it eliminates Fear and washes the spirit while burning out the selfishness, anger, doubt and hatred.
Indeed, Perfect Love is found only in the God who is LOVE and when you find the God who is LOVE you find Faith and selflessness which makes all Fear go away.
Try it and you will feel a small piece of what I mean…
… some call it the “warm fuzzies”.
I call it joy of doing what I am supposed to do…
…BEing LOVE!
Perfect Love,
what is Love?,
Friday, October 17, 2008

(Reprint From MySpace Blog Post Sept. 2007)
Well my Friends…again, by popular demand, I take another Walk with YHWH however today I must admit I feel a tad under the weather (yet it is beautiful out today) .
I suppose my first lesson today is that to walk with YHWH is not to always FEEL like going for a walk. Sometimes when we feel tired we have difficulty letting YHWH take control and lead us because we by nature are selfish.
“My Son, “ Came YHWH’s familiar inner voice, “I know that today you do not feel like walking and I realize that you would much rather simply go back to sleep…. But people must be made aware of a few things and by sacrificing your desires I will show you some things in this world they need to hear. You have selected wisely by doing my will over your own and though tired I will give you the strength you need.”
On each walk I never know exactly where I am to go. The foremost rule of these walks is to just place one foot in front of another by Faith and not even consider where I am stepping next nor what YHWH might say… To remain open is quite tough at times since my own thoughts will sometimes drift or I will try to decide for YHWH what He will say… this is not the way it works and the message always ends up being different than anything I preconceive,,, as it should be.
I ended up in an area I rarely step and had to cross a place where a building had recently been torn apart to make room for who knows what.
“My Son, look at what you see…a pile of rubble that once was a building of purpose. Realize that this building was once a business and that people worked here yet now it is just a pile of junk. Do you remember what it was?”
I stopped and considered this question… No, I could not recall.
“See? “ continued YHWH, “You do not know what was here and likewise the world has again and again rebuilt itself. One important thing destroyed with another important thing rebuilt…. Yet how important could each have been?…Each rebuilding must seem just as important as the last and thus has man forgotten what is important.”
Huh? I thought… That sounded wise but what was the point?
“EXACTLY!” came YHWH’s response, “The point is that what is important one moment to man changes rapidly but let me say that what is important to ME stays the same. Man bases his world on the need to reassess and change so rapidly that he hardly considers what has import.. No, he thinks his next idea is the idea that will make him rich, famous or satisfied…yet, man is NEVER satisfied.”
I walked further and came to a road where several auto dealerships line up end to end. In fact, Beaverton, Oregon is almost one big Automobile market. It almost seems sometimes that the minute they break down one business a new car dealership rises in it’s place.
“My Son, How many cars does a man truly need?” Questioned My Father.
I answered that perhaps only a single car was needed by most people.
I was surprised a bit by YHWH’s response when He announced “No, man NEEDS no cars… Man WANTS cars but what man simply needs is a way to get from one place to another“.
“Man often confuses ‘need” and ‘want” and let me get this straight. I am not a God who provides to man simply what he wants… I provide what man needs… beyond that I often allow man to gain what he wants but I have found that man teaches a wrong thinking that somehow I bless their wantonness… no, I bless their needs only… beyond that only shows selfish ambition and hedonism. This selfishness only becomes a curse yet they curse Me when they lose what I never gave them as though they deserved better than another man.”
Taking on what I do I have lost far more than I have gained by human standards. Although I have a background of someone who is capable of high income in well paying fields that offer social status and glamour I chose to do what I do without so much as placing my full name or image before men.
I make no money from sharing God’s words and I am not to even ask for funding. Sometimes this effects me because when I go out I see just how many cool things are available if I had money,, yet, I have been asked pretty much to maintain a vow of poverty.
“What men think they own” says YHWH “often only owns them.”
Still, like any human being I sometimes wish I could buy things I wanted but have found great joy in remaining true to my Father over my own desires for wealth or fame.
“Commercialism is a disease”, Said my Father, “ People feel that they must buy whatever they desire and yet are never satisfied. The wealthier the man the more society owns him for he must continue to upgrade, update and add-to all the things he acquires. Each step upward only leads to needing more and yet…like the building you saw…all things eventually end up rubble, so what has he gained?”
Obviously man gains little by acquiring STUFF. I remembered that when I made the most money and had the most “stuff” I likewise found it harder to keep up and it was the debts that were produced by seeking what I wanted that eventually made me fall for once the method of keeping the flow of income was removed the stuff I had became more of a problem than a solution and what I gained..I lost quickly.
God opened my eyes to all the businesses and what they offered.
“How much of what you see is actually NEEDED?” He asked.
I looked all around and realized that since all that is really needed is food and shelter that all the rest was being promoted to make me WANT what I really did not NEED.
Then God reminded me of a special I had watched on TV last night called “Tupok Resurrection” . The show was about the Rapper Tupoc Shakir and showed his concern for the people he had grown up with in the Projects. I will not say he lived a guilt free life and certainly he did much that God felt did not keep in step with what He believed. HOWEVER to judge this young man harshly for what he was trying to do to educate people about the inner-city conditions is to be ill-informed regarding the reasons that gangs do the things they do.
Poverty at the level lived by all too many people drives men to become almost animal in their behavior. Gangs are often joined to avoid death and have a place to belong in a place no one belongs. Middle America lives in fear of Gangs and yet for some who have no family and no opportunities for success… tell me this.. What choice is there? These people cannot even get jobs at McDonalds and the lure of big money leads many to take and sell drugs to eliminate the pain and provide for a family hardly able to meet the basic needs.
Middle America and the wealthy can complain all they wish and send more police to keep things in some limited order but until they can figure out how to provide opportunity where there is none perhaps these people should judge less and do more. These problems are the result of desperation created by a society that values greed over need and if the Christian church would do what it was called to it would first help these people and then debate over which denomination has God’s favor.
“My Son” said God as we made our way back home,” When you write tell my people to stop changing cars each year and stop complaining when they do not get what they WANT… Tell them rather to buy the basics and live on simplicity that they might provide unselfishly to those who have greater need than themselves.”
“Explain to them that those who have NEED are more important to provide for than a church building fund. Until they can find a cure they must stop complaining and offer a solution. Tell them to realize that there is a day of great balancing coming very soon in which those without shall be given more and those who have much shall lose that which they have. To ‘feed my sheep’ means more than providing spiritual teachings…it means actually feeding the hungry for empty stomachs must be first given sustenance for the spirit to receive it’s food.”
In his words,
religious thought,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My Friends,
First, thanks to all of you who have viewed and commented on my latest YouTube video (I include it again for those unfamiliar)..
I appreciate each and every one of you no matter what you believe or do not believe concerning the supposed UFO event to take place OCTOBER 14th (according to channeler Blossom Goodchild and The Galactic Federation of Light..
here is her latest update on Youtube:
Being as I have an internet radio show (WWJSNL on I thought I would change the date of this weeks program and offer a special "Day of event" show to discuss whatever occurs or does not.
WWJSNL will not be broadcasting tonight (our usual broadcasts are held Sundays at 7.p.m pac.) Due to this SPECIAL EVENT BROADCAST.
No matter what you believe you are welcome to join in TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 2008 at 7 p.m. pacific/ 10 east at and give your ideas, opinions, thoughts or whatever.
I will also be attempting over the next few days to see if Goodchild would be willing to call in (or any of the Galactic Fed. members). I wish to keep this discussion as open and balanced as possible allowing each person to express themselves fully on this issue.
ALSO, This may sound odd, but IF there are actually any "Aliens" who would like to state their case and answer any questions I invite them to figure out a way to call in (I assume that would not be a problem for extraterrestrial beings of superior intellect and abilities).
So, what will OCTOBER 14th bring?.. Why not join us as we all find out!
P.S. NowLive is a free service but does require preregistration to participate on reader board discussions.
First, thanks to all of you who have viewed and commented on my latest YouTube video (I include it again for those unfamiliar)..
I appreciate each and every one of you no matter what you believe or do not believe concerning the supposed UFO event to take place OCTOBER 14th (according to channeler Blossom Goodchild and The Galactic Federation of Light..
here is her latest update on Youtube:
Being as I have an internet radio show (WWJSNL on I thought I would change the date of this weeks program and offer a special "Day of event" show to discuss whatever occurs or does not.
WWJSNL will not be broadcasting tonight (our usual broadcasts are held Sundays at 7.p.m pac.) Due to this SPECIAL EVENT BROADCAST.
No matter what you believe you are welcome to join in TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 2008 at 7 p.m. pacific/ 10 east at and give your ideas, opinions, thoughts or whatever.
I will also be attempting over the next few days to see if Goodchild would be willing to call in (or any of the Galactic Fed. members). I wish to keep this discussion as open and balanced as possible allowing each person to express themselves fully on this issue.
ALSO, This may sound odd, but IF there are actually any "Aliens" who would like to state their case and answer any questions I invite them to figure out a way to call in (I assume that would not be a problem for extraterrestrial beings of superior intellect and abilities).
So, what will OCTOBER 14th bring?.. Why not join us as we all find out!
P.S. NowLive is a free service but does require preregistration to participate on reader board discussions.
Monday, October 6, 2008

People often send me videos related to the subject of "Jesus" (gee, i wonder why?..LOL). They vary greatly in content. Some are serious theological documentaries, some are arguments, some are "wannabes", Some are just silly and some border on blasphemy.. but I actually enjoy the variety and even the most offensive ones don't really phase me.
Lately the trend has been "Jesus and Politics" and I am including a few here that people have sent or recommended from YouTube.
Frankly, I don't think one would find Jesus of Nazareth running for public office but i am sure he would be politically active as a "pundit" in today's world (and we do see some evidence of this in the Gospel tales).
Anyway, here are some videos i have received that I feel many of my readers might enjoy and please realize they are created by others and do not ness. reflect my own political opinions.. enjoy!
(Here is One my friend Auina made for me..BTW I AM NOT ACTUALLY RUNNING..LOL)
Jesus for president,
Presidential Campaign,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What DREAMS may Come?

For today’s blog I’m going to play stupid…
…I am going to imagine I know absolutely nothing and am nothing more than a bystander because today I am going to discuss not what I know or believe per se’. Rather I am going to stand back and look at some things I have been hearing from other people.
It is written that in the End of Days many people would have dreams and visions, yet never does it clarify exactly what these would be about.
HOWEVER, in this blog I am going to reveal a secret project I have been working on because at numerous groups on Myspace and throughout the vastness of the Internet I have (over time and without prompting) begun looking for posts regarding dreams or visions…seeking to see if any common threads ran through them.
I would say I am amazed…
…but I actually expected exactly what I found… I assume most of you who read this have not taken the time to collect and analyze these visions.
Now I was not looking for the ones about purple people eaters eating Jell-O out of your belly button. Um, you can have that one back…
…No, what I was (and am) looking for were (and are) the deep and perplexing ones that people were mentioning as being reoccurring and compelling enough to have to write down.
Let me begin with just a few examples…
…Realize these come from multiple sources and various faiths so this is not just because one faith has some myth they are perpetuating.. Just read them and take a look at the common elements.. Because I feel they are not only interesting but perhaps VITAL to what is soon to come.
Here are a few examples (There are hundreds I could pull from which contain the similar elements):
...I woke up at my house than I went outside. I noticed two people across the road from my house looking at the sky. I was wondering what they were looking at so I looked at the sky too. When i looked up, i seen the moon and thousands differently sized moons and planets. Everywhere i looked around in the sky, there seemed to be more moons and planets popping out. Then i looked straight at the sun and it was shining brightly. I was amazed that i was able to look at the sun with out squinting my eyes and i didn't go blind. After i looked at the sun, i went in the back of my house where there use to be fields that we used for hay. Then, out of the sky i comet like object fell to the earth. Right in that field i just told you about. All i seen was the smoke it left before it hit the ground. Suddenly, i heard a man's voice talking to me, I didn't see him but i heard him. He said that the comet like object fell between New Orleans Louisiana and Orlando Florida. But the thing was is that it fell behind my house, not where he said it fell.
I have had some dreams with space ships , like in yours there were like hundreds of them , but they seemed to be attacking a very large spaceship from somewhere else {i don’t know where } I have also had dreams of nuclear holocausts .And here is something that happens when I am awake ...Every time I leave kahnawake , and I am halfway between kahnawake and Toronto , I get a panicked feeling and I then see all around me nothing but red as if being in the midst of a very large fire , and I always have the feeling something not good is going to happen in that area .. I have also had dreams of being on Large bridges while they are collapsing , Like the ambassador bridge and the Mercier bridge . Tell me , , have you ever dreamed of a hatowi ?
I had a dream about being in a city that existed in a huge dome in the desert. Something was coming, and people were screaming and running to the area where the transport airplanes were kept. I walked there, but the area was blocked by so many people, and I heard whisperings amongst the crowd that the planes were having problems taking off. I got the feeling that I couldn't wait for the planes, and started walking toward the exit of the city. I kept going until I was a few miles from the city. I turned around and saw about twenty people behind me. I heard a screaming/whistling sound from the sky. We all looked up in time to see a meteor screech down and hit the city, immediately cremating the place. A huge feeling of sadness came over me, and I looked and saw tears in some of the eyes of the other people. We were the only survivors.
Well, I had a dream a few nights ago in which I was being pursued.
I thought it pertinent, so I am sharing.
Well, I was running away from something/someone (can't exactly remember...), but the cool part was, I hit a dead-end and was in real trouble, but I WILLED a door into existence!
My first (remembered) incident of lucid/directed dreaming!
I looked at the wall and said: "This is a dream of MINE and there should be a door there."
Lo and behold, I grew that door!
So, my revised advice is to face him down (after you practice this technique a bit for yourself, that is...)
I'd say, get into THAT dream and start practicing. Once you feel confident of your safety, face this man down, contain him, and then "erect" some kind of viewing window b/t you and him, and find out whatever you can from interacting with him in a "safe" environ of your own imagining.
YOU have the power!
Okay, I dreamed this last night, and it seemed interesting.
I was in a dry countryside next to a large mountain. There was a wall (probably around 10 feet high) of mud and grass surrounding the base of the mountain. I walked into an opening in the wall, where I found ANOTHER wall of the same size about 50 feet in front of me. Many families were scattered around, living in this space between the walls. Everything was scarce in the area. I noticed that most people had very little food, and only a few items they carried with them. I decided to walk through the second wall, where I found a trail going up the side of the mountain. People could come and go up this trail all the time, but very few actually did. I smiled and waved at the friendly faces I saw as I walked up the mountain. When I reached the top, I found a few men there. One pointed down to the earth where there was a small opening. He took me down into a large underground cave. He explained that water will run into the ground where the soil is very loose, and wash the soil out the base of the mountain, creating a large cavern. They can create caverns themselves this way. He pointed at some structures on the inside, where they were reinforcing the strength of the cavern wall. He explained that most of these designs are far more advanced than the modern man's knowledge of construction. These designs were shown to them. I followed him out the cave to an area where a small crater was formed in the earth. I noticed it had the symbol of a spiral on the bottom. It was filled with purifying water. Around it were a few men singing, shaking rattles, and praying over it. The men left, and a few women and children started bathing in it. I removed my clothes and cleansed myself in the water. I felt something by my feet. I reached under the water, and pulled out two rattles. I recognized them as two of the rattles that were used to pray over the water. I held them close. The water began to drain. The women began walking, following the spiral pattern towards the center. I did the same. As I walked, the pattern changed into the drawing of a mind maze. Some of the women couldn't make it. As I continued to walk towards the center, I saw the last of the other women get blown away by a strange wind. I got the feeling she went the wrong way. I reached the center, where I found a little girl laying in a floating pool of light. The light moved around her like fluid of many iridescent colors. I knew that if I sat there in that pool, I would have knowledge of many things...
Then I woke up. :)
Well you would think people would catch on now that were all having pretty darn similar dreams lol... Obviously not All of them have relevance to this (waking) world. But I do believe the recurring ones have some significant value.
Immortal Condensations dream was Very much similar to one I had a couple years ago. Same eerie feeling right before the you start to run, then Out of no where the wolf is chasing you! never did like that dream, I came to the conclusion that is had something to do with the area the dream took place. (a cousin of mine died in a car accident around there) she was in the dream too. only she was "lost" and did not believe she had died in the accident. Shortly after that area got blocked off (which was a big party spot) But for the life of me i can't remember if dreaming about a wolf is a good or bad sign.
Erin’s dream Seems pretty significant, just the other day an older cousin and I were talking about dreams. He told me about one he had years ago and when relating it to an elder, the elder told him he has had the same one. (where natives go into a "cave" or the mountains open up") Apparently the natives that know where this mountain is, will be directed to it when this "thing" falls upon our people. What I gathered from it, and I could be wrong, but it was the "True natives" who were told of such a place and they were the ones who could help the rest of us and our culture survive when ever this thing comes into play. Also my people believe there are "little ppl" and "big people" (sasquatches) in this mountain, and its all interrelated on how we survive whatever is coming.
How we even got started on this conversation was because i had asked about the meaning of tornado dreams, now I'm pretty sure he said they have something to do with this mountain prediction. and if so then SHIT I'm scared! lol cuz around here for the past 2-4 years we've been getting A lot of tornado warnings and touch downs during the summer. Which has never happened before. At least not to this extent. Has anyone else ever heard of this dream/prediction?
okay i am going to tell about one of the dreams I have eluded to I had over and over as a child, one of a pair that came all the time till I stopped remembering my dreams much..
I would be lying on a hillside looking up and there was a blue sky and clouds..
then hundreds upon hundreds of missiles would be flying over head some going east to west some going west to east.
they were so many that no sky could be seen..
and i could not move or run for cover
they were all shapes and sizes. from actual looking missiles to ones a child might draw.
I knew they were nukes too..
and I felt an oppressive feeling like something was pushing down on me.
I could not stop it, I could do nothing....
then I would wake up screaming...sweaty...
that lasted for oh I say about 5 years from the time i was about 1 on...
the other dream well that one I wont say about yet.
And my ex dreamt that one of the bridges we use to have to cross to pick up her children would collapse. But only if she was there in the car alone
So I would go with her always
and i don’t know why but i need to relate this..
up past my property, in the state hunting land..
there is a HUGE tree
in the trunk there is a dear skull..
Looks to have grown into the tree as the tree grew..
My ex and others have been up there I have not
there is also a huge rock sitting in a moist area of the ground
shaped like a turtle..
the earth is moist from an underground spring
and then there is a mountain that has what looks like a pulpit carved into the stone
I know some who have climbed to it and have squeezed between the out crop of rock and the stone wall...
and all the other things the tree and the rock would be directly in site of it..
I don’t know these are all real actual things one can touch
not dreams
and I don’t know why but i just felt that voice like sky said :-)
Post it.. so i posted it here :-0
OK.. That should be enough for now… Perhaps a few reading this will recognize their own writings although I did not give names. I did my best to glean silently because to make my point I did not want to influence the purity of these dreams and visions.
I will say that most of this sampling is at random from my collection and they all basically have the same common elements throughout (I blued in a few of the key ones).
To quote the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”…
OFTEN there is also A “SAVIOR“, “GOD” OR “KEYS” (to the doors) MENTIONED.
Hmmmm? Standing and looking at this even as an outsider I think I might wanna find out a bit more about what ZION is… maybe it’s all JUST A DREAM… BUT…
I encourage those of you with similar visions to post here or send me an E-mail for my collection.
dreams come true,
end of days,
end times,

BBC releases script prepared for post-nuclear-war radio announcement
BBC nuclear bomb script released
A script written by the BBC and the government to be broadcast in the event of a nuclear attack has been published. The script, written in the 1970s and released by the National Archives, included instructions to "stay calm and stay in your own homes". Scripts were written to reassure the public the BBC was "still there".
This is the Wartime Broadcasting Service. This country has been attacked with nuclear weapons. Communications have been severely disrupted, and the number of casualties and the extent of the damage are not yet known. We shall bring you further information as soon as possible. Meanwhile, stay tuned to this wavelength, stay calm and stay in your own homes.
Remember there is nothing to be gained by trying to get away. By leaving your homes you could be exposing yourselves to greater danger.
If you leave, you may find yourself without food, without water, without accommodation and without protection. Radioactive fall-out, which follows a nuclear explosion, is many times more dangerous if you are directly exposed to it in the open. Roofs and walls offer substantial protection. The safest place is indoors.
Make sure gas and other fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished. If mains water is available, this can be used for fire-fighting. You should also refill all your containers for drinking water after the fires have been put out, because the mains water supply may not be available for very long.
Water must not be used for flushing lavatories: until you are told that lavatories may be used again, other toilet arrangements must be made. Use your water only for essential drinking and cooking purposes. Water means life. Don't waste it.
Make your food stocks last: ration your supply, because it may have to last for 14 days or more. If you have fresh food in the house, use this first to avoid wasting it: food in tins will keep.
If you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given, stay in your fall-out room until you are told it is safe to come out. When the immediate danger has passed the sirens will sound a steady note. The "all clear" message will also be given on this wavelength. If you leave the fall-out room to go to the lavatory or replenish food or water supplies, do not remain outside the room for a minute longer than is necessary.
Do not, in any circumstances, go outside the house. Radioactive fall-out can kill. You cannot see it or feel it, but it is there. If you go outside, you will bring danger to your family and you may die. Stay in your fall-out room until you are told it is safe to come out or you hear the "all clear" on the sirens.
Here are the main points again:
Stay in your own homes, and if you live in an area where a fall-out warning has been given stay in your fall-out room, until you are told it is safe to come out. The message that the immediate danger has passed will be given by the sirens and repeated on this wavelength. Make sure that the gas and all fuel supplies are turned off and that all fires are extinguished.
Water must be rationed, and used only for essential drinking and cooking purposes. It must not be used for flushing lavatories. Ration your food supply: it may have to last for 14 days or more.
We shall repeat this broadcast in two hours' time. Stay tuned to this wavelength, but switch your radios off now to save your batteries until we come on the air again. That is the end of this broadcast.
Nuclear war,
post nuclear war,
Who Would Jesus Bomb?",
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
OBSESSION is Obsessed with creating fear.

Many people this weekend opened their paper to find they got a FREE DVD (Called OBSESSION) widely distributed and freely available to any child who might wish to pop it in and watch.
I did some research on the Clarion Fund and on the Producer. He himself is a part of a front organization based on a racist agenda (as is the organization itself.. go do your own research)
The motives and presentation should be questioned as should be the method of distribution.
In spite of free Speech which I advocate I cannot condone that anyone with an ounce of brains would never place where children can access it freely such a fear mongering and one sided presentation containing such a horrifying imaging and message.
Here is a news feature in two parts discussing this issue and i would be curious what others think of this methodology coming from what is supposed to be an Unbiased Non-profit organization.
Clarion Fund,
fear mongering,
Free DVD,
Newspaper Inserts,
Monday, September 29, 2008
Have you GOOGLED your planet? Fascinating Google Earth finds.
I appreciate the efforts of the people who made these GOOGLE EARTH videos. I am not going to elaborate on what is found or it's meanings .. rather I just present here what others have found and you may decide what (if any) meaning or merit they might have..ENJOY YOUR "TRIP" and comments about what you think are appreciated!
about Jesusofzion,
Google Earth,
strange images,
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